Nicole Robinson-Young, Secretary
Currently, Alderwoman Young serves as the Ward Six Alderwoman in Port Gibson. Where she serves the public health and safety, sanitation, and finance committees. In addition, Alderwoman Young, has championed many policy issues such as public safety, public health, water, disaster preparedness, and community economic development. As a recent graduate of Mississippi Black Leadership Institute (MBLI) and Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Alderwoman Young has been appointed and elected to serve on several statewide boards and initiatives. In 2021 Alderwoman Young was appointed as Assistant Secretary to the Mississippi Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials (MBC-LEO). Just recently she was elected unanimously as the Secretary of MBC-LEO. Alderwoman Young continues to pave the way for new policy initiatives and transformative ways to provide access, and affordability for distressed cities, towns, and villages within the state of Mississippi.
Nicole Robinson-Young is a 38-year-old married mother of two children residing in Port Gibson, Mississippi, the Town Too Beautiful to Burn. She is the mother of two wonderful children: Taylor and Greyson. Nicole received an associate degree in Arts and Science from Hinds Community College in 2004; a bachelor’s degree in Rehabilitation and Disability Studies from Southern University in 2008; and a master’s degree in Human Services Administration from Walden University in 2013.
Tammy Witherspoon, President
Lesia Williams-Hemphill, Second Vice President
Walter Osborne, Treasurer
Roshunda Harris-Allen, Ed.D, Committee Chair - Social Justice
Roschelle Gibson, Alderwomen, Ward 5 City of Byram