"Welcome to the Mississippi Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials website!

For over half a century, the Mississippi Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials (MBC-LEO) has served as a beacon of commitment to the mutual interests of our constituents located throughout Mississippi. The MBC-LEO is unique and thus different from all other local official organizations across the nation. We are a network of municipal officials who collaborate on a statewide and district basis for the purpose of coordinating activities and events at the city, county, and state levels. We serve our communities and provide mutual support through education, training, advocacy, and networking. Recent political decisions across the nation render our presence and, at times, our interests invisible. As always, there are opportunities to challenge and shape what we do and how we do it by helping manage our presence through our communications.

Support your local elected officials and join the movement. 

Information, Education, Training, Encouragement, Brotherhood, Sisterhood, Identifying Resources, Dialogue Collective Strength


The Mississippi Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials

Link to the Mississippi Legislative Black Caucus